Luke told Han Leia and Chewbaca that he was going to distroy the remanings of the empire. He blasted off in his X wing fighter. He flew over Salaces crumb on his throne. Crumb told his servent, Bib fortuna to blast Luke down. Luke was being blasted. He yelled, "This is your last fire Crumb!" CRASH! He hit the ground. The second he hit the ground, Bibby jumped at Luke. Luke ran away just in time. Bibby said, "I'll kill you with my magic hand!" He raised his left arm and shot a ray out of his hand. Luke duck. Luke used the force to make a trampaline. The ray hit the trampaline, bounced off, and hit Bibby. Bib fell down a pit that you will hear of soon. Crumb grabed Luke, and threw him in his throne. Crumb said, "If only he were alive Jabba Duh Hutt would be happy with me!" A big monster, lieing down crawled toward Luke!

Luke saw a light saber. He knew who's it was. He had herd that Yoda's spirit died. He grabed the saber. He stabed the creature in the arm. The creature roared in anger. As fast as the force could carry him, Luke ran out of the throne with the light saber. The second he got out, he was pushed in the pit. There was Bibby's bones. There was a giant monster. Luke jumped in a cave. The monster grabed Luke! Luke turned on his light saber and cut off the monster's hand. The monster grabed the light saber, crushed it, and grabed Luke.

He put Luke in his mouth! Luke screamed. He looked up. The monster sure had a strange mouth. He pulled until he was out of the monster's mouth. He looked up. He could jump up! He jumped. Not much after, Luke was getting in his X wing fighter until Crumb said, "STOP!" Luke said, "why?" Crumb jumped on the front of the fighter with a knife!

Luke pushed a button and a little hand pushed Crub into the pit with the monster, pushed a button and started to fly. Crumb was done with a crunch!

✡ ✡ ✡

A biker scout cousin speeded along in his speeder bike. From the melenium falcon han and chewie jumped on the rider. The bike went out of control. Han and chewie jumped off just as the bike blew up! They landed safely on a grass island. Leia ran up to han. "A monster!" she said. Sure enouf, there was a monster with a cut. But, there were the rest of the speeder Bikes couisans! Then a fermilyer voice says, "the game hasn't started!" "Luke!" screams Leia. "what's that?" She pointed to a monster next to Luke. "Oh!" say's he. "my freind!" The first monster already killed the scouts. Now he marched up to the good monster. They had a battle. Leia tried to amuse them by saying, "Goddy's up! Nope! Baddy's pushin him 'own! Nope! It's Goody! 1-2-3 OUT!

Goody was eating up Baddy. But he was still hungry. He walked towerd the good guys. An ewok wit a shirt on swung by. Then he pulled off his shirt. It was wicket pretending to be superman. He stabed nowBaddy until he was dead.

The end.


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